Let’s answer them.

Explore our FAQ page for answers to common queries about SWBC. We’ve compiled information to guide you through your experience!

Your preregistration is greatly appreciated as it helps us prepare for the event. The meeting is free and open to the public. You may preregister online or by calling 1-800-600-7395. Everyone is encouraged to check-in upon arrival at the event.

Some people come in their Sunday best; others come casual. Dress comfortably and consider bringing a jacket or sweater due to the air conditioning.

We ask that no outside food or drink be brought into the Fort Worth Convention Center.

Yes, the Fort Worth Convention Center will have a concession stand open to purchase light snacks, bottled water, and soft drinks on Monday-Friday during our event.

All workers in Superkid Academy and 14forty youth services have gone through background checks. We also have a wristband safety system in place so only the adults who drop off their children can pick them up.

Yes, a Parent’s Room will be available in Room 111.

Yes, our Nursing Mother's Room will be in Room 109 and is only available for mothers and babies who are nursing.

Yes! When you arrive, an usher can direct you to special seating.

Yes! Translation radios are available at Family Check-In. When you arrive, an usher can direct you to special seating.

No, this will not be provided.

Not currently. Because of the regulations surrounding nonprofit organizations, KCM is unable to take responsibility for international visitors. Our government would view our honoring such requests as accepting that responsibility and we are not equipped to do so. We know that if coming to America is part of God’s plan for you, He will provide a way!

It is Brother Copeland’s desire for the Body of Christ to meet together in accordance with Hebrews 10:25—“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” He was commissioned by God to conduct meetings where people can totally immerse in the Word of God. Our six-day meeting creates an anointed environment where people:

  • Feed on the Word of God
  • Grow spiritually
  • Share their faith
  • Participate in the anointings of others
  • Receive healing
  • Worship and praise God A Believers’ Convention is a life-changing event with an atmosphere that produces results! And it all happens because of the move of the Holy Spirit and the shared corporate anointing of the Body of Christ.

The Friday of each convention is designated as Increase Day—the day of joining in agreement for increase in the ministry and in the lives of our Partners and Friends. This is a special day when Kenneth Copeland acknowledges the work and achievements accomplished through the outreaches of Kenneth Copeland Ministries because of Partner involvement. It’s a joyful time to see what a difference your seed has made in the lives of others, as well as the worldwide impact of partnership. From foreign-language television broadcasts to evangelistic meetings to one-on-one ministry to children in other countries, our Partners are changing lives!

Healing School is a place for everyone desiring healing and a deeper revelation on what God’s Word says about living in wellness. For more than 40 years, Jesus has been coming to Healing School, and until He returns, He wants all His people to walk in perfect health. Come and receive His Word on divine healing that will set you free!

Yes. Recordings are available throughout the week in various formats. You may also order recordings online at the KCM Store, or by calling 1-800-600-7395.

You can bring your Partner Card or have someone at our Partner Booth look up your Partner number for you.

No. Some products offered during the meetings are unique to the meeting and therefore only available on-site during the event.

The Partner discount is only available on-site during the meeting.

The discount prices are valid for 30 days after the meeting. The 10% partner discount plus 10% additional discount for registering/checking-in, in person or online is only available the week of SWBC

We accept cash, checks and major charge cards.

Yes. You can turn your offering envelope into the book tables but we can not process any type of credit card contributions